
We are at the final day of the festival. Yes, that is sad; we want to show you so much more! Once today’s over, you’ll have to wait until next year when we’ll be back with more great films again. For now, let’s take a look at what is on offer for the final day of the festival.
And it is going to be good!

Firstly, we have ‘Blurred Light’, our Variety Pack, where there are nine films you can watch. This will be running from 12:00pm until 1:30pm. The list of films in this slot include: Survivors of Violence Tell Their Story, The Gate, Dean Quarry, Norma, On/Off, Come Close to Me, Late Fees, Chinese Fusion, and My Friend Who Shines in the Night. A real emotional roller-coaster! Within this group are some films that have been nominated for our B’Oscar awards. Late Fees is nominated in the Music Video category, while My Friend Who Shines in the Night is up for Best in Festival so be sure to check that out!

Of course all categories are highly competitive, given the quality of films submitted, and it’s so difficult to choose a winner. My Friend Who Shines in the Night is also nominated in the Animation and Sound Design & Soundtrack categories, so you know it’s worth a watch!
These films will be showcased in Screen 7 but if they don’t tickle your fancy then don’t worry, there’s more to choose from. In Screen 8 at the same time, 12:00pm to 1:30pm, we have the ‘Quiet Shelter’ slot, featuring more of our best Women’s Voices films. These include RUST, Silence, Silence Undone, Invited In and Cold Beds.
Of these films, Cold Beds is nominated for best in its category, as well as for Best Cinematography.

Staying in Screen 7, we then move on to our ‘Payback’-themed Crime slot from 2:00pm to 3:30pm. This session includes Highly Competent Killers, All Because of the Damned Blonde’s Son, Pops, Baptism, Earl’s Town and A Roll in the Hay.

Amongst these are some B’Oscar nominees, with A Roll in the Hay, Earl’s Town, Baptism and Pops being nominated for Best Crime Film. A Roll in the Hay is also nominated for Best in Festival, so, definitely worth checking out this one.

If crime isn’t your cup of tea, not to worry; running at the same time in Screen 8 we have ‘Wilderness’, our Non-Fiction category. These include It Was a Time of Poetry, Conviction, La Muter Salvaje, Pointe Black, Dajla: Cinema and Oblivion, and Palisian.
Palisian, Dajla: Cinema and Oblivion, Pointe Black and Le Muter Salvage are all up for B’Oscars in the Non-Fiction category.

Late afternoon we move into ‘Love and Pride’. These films will be shown from 4.00pm to 5:30pm in Screen 7, and include The O Show, Xmas Eve Eve, Sand Land, The Aquarium, Aquamarine and Bracha.

Bracha, The Aquarium, Xmas Eve Eve and Aquamarine all make up the Pride category’s B’Oscar nominations, while Aquamarine is also nominated in the Best Horror and Best Script categories.

Of course while that’s running there’s also the option of Screen 8, where you can catch the ‘Change Now’ slot, films around the theme of A Better Place. These include Perspective Shift, Immigrant Voices of America, Free Fall and The Race Against Race.
B’Oscar nominations in this category include The Race Against Race, Free Fall and Immigrant Voices of America.

Moving into the evening we have ‘Ghosts’, our Drama slot, from 6.00pm to 7:30pm. These include Shot, In Memoriam Dr H.G.K., C-Section, Piglet Piglet, The Heart Asunder, Guide Me Home, A Dead Sea, Hey Ma, and Ghost Girl.

So much drama, we’re glad to be merely onlookers! Of course there are B’Oscar nominations here too. Guide Me Home is nominated for Best Sound Design & Soundtrack, but the film running away with the nominations here is Ghost Girl; it’s nominated for Best Drama, Direction, Sound Design & Soundtrack as well as Best in Festival. Definitely one not to miss!
And of course we have alternative options in Screen 8 in the category of Comedy, in a slot we’ve called ‘Truth’. These include Finding Dad, Snorrie, Bobo - The Intermission Clown, Candle Cops, Numb and Swipe.

Swipe, Numb, Bobo - The Intermission Clown and Candle Cops are all nominated for Best Comedy. Swipe is also nominated in the Student Film category and Bobo - The Intermission Clown is also nominated for Best Script.

With all the films screened, make sure you stick around for the awards session! This will be held at 8.00pm and finish at 9:30pm, and we’ll get to find out which of the filmmakers will be taking home the coveted B’Oscar awards.

Wow, that’s a long day of films! There are so many things to see today and not enough time to fully see them and appreciate them without a time machine.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post, an overview of the whole festival.

– Rebekah Hemmens